It's Time to Level Up Your Brand!

Branding can be overwhelming, especially if you don't feel like you are creative. But don't let that hold you back! Let me, a branding expert and strategist, take a look under the hood of your brand and see where you are excelling and where you need to make some tweaks! A Visual Brand Audit walks through 9 parts of your brand to see how you measure up!

Feeling overwhelmed with how to level up your marketing and branding?

Level UP Your Brand

Lisa will review your website and one other piece of marketing in real time on a video you can watch again and again. This video is so helpful if you are visual learner and need to SEE things to better understand them.

Lisa will break down the specifics from your video into a detailed spreadsheet that you can reference in order to make changes and updates to your brand. This covers 9 different areas of your brand and is laid out so you can see exactly how you can move forward with your branding.

Here's What You Get

A Comprehensive Video

A Detailed Spreadsheet

Part one

Part three

Part tw0

From the video and spreadsheet, Lisa outlines specific action steps and how to proceed with updating your brand. Now you know exactly WHAT to do, HOW to do it and WHERE to start. This is customized plan is key for business owners who get stuck because they don't know where to start.

Action Steps

The visual Brand Audit is for overwhelmed business owners like you!

All of this for just $149

Get the visual
brand audit

Profile Picture
Brand voice/Copy
Social Media

What is Evaluated?

Your brand is multi-facted and has a lot of moving parts! These 9 key elements are crucial to your brand and how you are represented as a business. All 9 of these areas are evaluated with the Visual Brand Audit and are included in the detailed spreadsheet you will receive.

How It Works

Congrats on taking the first step in creating a brand that is beautiful, cohesive and makes you MONEY!


Click the link, fill out the form and make the $149 payment. 

Fill out the form

After your form is submitted, you will receive the video and spreadsheet via email within 3-5 business days of submission.

Receive Feedback

Get expert feedback about your brand so you can move forward with confidence.

How does this sound?

Know your brand is cohesive and in line with your ideal audience.



You are going to:

Know where to start when making tweaks to your branding.


Have a video and spreadsheet that you can refer to at any time when you have questions.


Finally check branding off of your list so you can focus on other things in your business!



A year from now you are going to wish you started today....

So let's get started!

Bring creativity for the creatively challenged
Unlock the brand that is hiding
Navigate the crowded online market
Overwhelmed biz owners define their brand

I Help:

Working on my podcast
Eating pizza with my hubby and 3 boys
Hanging out in Instagram
Helping biz owners level up


The comparison game
Dwelling on the past
Tearing others down
Selling people things they don't need


Putting your best foot forward
Working hard
Standing up for what you believe
Being a straight shooter


Other brand owners, just like you, have invested in branding strategy in order to level up their brands, connect with their ideal audience and feel confident so they can MAKE MORE MONEY!

don't just take my word for it!

shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Let me know how I can help you and your brand.

Still on the fence?