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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help businesses, like yours, create a brand that fits like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy & branding photography to website design, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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I am here to empower business owners to create an irresistible brand that aligns with their purpose and value so they can confidently make an impact on the world. 

LiLo Photography

The Koehn Family- Littleton Family Photography

I have known this family for about 10 years.  Wow.  I can’t believe that.
Let’s just talk about these two tall beautiful people for a minute.  Not only are they nice to look at, they are just about the best people you will meet.  Talk about integrity, love, conviction.  Mad respect for these guys.
And now they have two precious girls.  
Scarlet is a bit shy but she came out of her shell pretty quickly with me and gave me some sweet smiles.  She just started kindergarten.  Such a fun age!
She got this beautiful old purse from a sweet older lady at church and wanted to bring it along for the photo shoot.  How cute is that??
Amelia is usually the spunky, out going one but for some reason it took a little coaxing to get her out of her shell and smile at the camera.  My new squeaky toy helped a lot.  But she was so good and would hold Mr. Squeaky and then when it was time to take a picture she would give him right back.  Amazing!  Not even a temper tantrum or tears.  So nice.  

The girls even got to name my new squeaky toy (as they were the first ones to try him out) and guess what they named him…..Mr. Squeaky.  Because he is a skunk I was going to call him Stinky or Smelly or Flower (Bambi), but Mr. Squeaky won out. 
Sisters are the best and you can tell that these girls really love each other!

Blonde haired, blue eyed beauties.

Kevin threw out his back the day before our session so this almost had to be postponed.  Thankfully he was feeling better and we were able to do pictures.  Whew!  Getting older really stinks!!!
With both parents being over 6 feet tall, odds are pretty good that the girls will be tall too.  Wear it proud girls.  Rock those heels, just like your beautiful mama.
 I just love this family and I am so thankful for their friendship over the last 10 years.  Here’s to 10 more guys.
For more pictures visit or my Facebook page.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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