Must have brand photos for your biz
3 branding mistakes to avoid
How to update your brand in 10 minutes
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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help businesses, like yours, create a brand that fits like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy & branding photography to website design, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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I am here to empower business owners to create an irresistible brand that aligns with their purpose and value so they can confidently make an impact on the world. 


Denver Headshots- The Vincents

Headshots.  A necessary evil in this digital and online world.  If you have your own business you probably should get new headshots AT LEAST once a year.  If you are in the business world, you should probably update your headshots every 18 months.  I know that sounds like a lot but think about how your hair, weight and style change in 12-18 months!  I realize the downfalls of getting Denver headshots are:

1.  They are expensive.  And sometimes it doesn’t seem a worthwhile investment when there are so many other things on which you need to spend money.

2.  We are so self-critical and we often don’t like the way we look or we just want to lose 10 (or more) pounds before we get pictures taken.

Well let me tell you….it IS worth it.  Having up-to-date branding pictures for clients to “get to know you” and your face is so important.  It makes you look more professional and legitimate when you have current, professional headshots on your website and/or social media.  I would even venture to say that if you or your business have more than a couple of thousand followers, you should probably be getting headshots or branding shots several times per year.  It gives you content for your social media and puts a face to your company!  I just had headshots done last fall and it had been a while for me.  When I got them back it felt so good to update my website and social media with current pictures that I loved!  They matched everything and I felt really good about them.  Let me do that for you!

When it comes to the second part of the argument…..perfect body image doesn’t come very often.  How often do you look in the mirror and think….I am at my perfect weight and I really want to get some pictures done?  Not very often with me.  However, whenever I get headshots or branding photos or family pictures done I am always glad I sucked it up and did it!  I love seeing pictures of me with my kids and husband and THEY love seeing me in the photos as well.  I get it.  Even though I am a photographer, I would much prefer to be behind the camera instead of in front of the camera!  I always feel awkward in front of the camera.  Isn’t that funny!  But trust me…I have been doing this for almost 8 years and I know some tricks to make you feel comfortable and look great for your Denver branding photos or Denver headshots.

I offer a variety of Denver headshot options from quick, easy and inexpensive to complete branding photos and team photos.  Has it been 18 months or more since your last headshot?  Then it is time.  15 minute sessions are only $100 and include several images.

Now that all of that is out of the way….want to see some pretty headshots??  Of course you do!  Look at this pretty lady.  Denver Headshot Photographer takes a photo of a woman for her Denver branding photos.

She is one of my favorites.  Seriously.  I want her to be my best friend, big sister and boss all at the same time.  She is funny, down-to-earth and just an all-around wonderful human.  Her posts on Instagram and Facebook are my favorite and always bring me a chuckle and a smile.

A cute Branding photo of a woman in Denver for her Denver branding photos and Denver headshot session with Denver branding photographer.

I was over the moon when she contacted me just before Christmas asking if I would update her headshots for her.  She needed them ASAP and thankfully I was able to fit her in and we made some magic happen.  This one is my particular favorite.

A woman smiles at the camera during her Denver Branding photos for her Denver headshots with Denver branding photographer.

What could make this session even better?  Her husband, Craig, needed headshots too!  So naturally, it became a family affair.

Denver Headshots for a cute couple for their Denver branding photos by a Denver Branding Photographer. Craig is like a goofy big brother.  He makes me laugh every time I see him!  But he can turn on the GQ when necessary.

A Denver Branding photographer takes headshots for a man in a black shirt with a crew cut for his Denver headshots and Denver branding pictures.

These two people are givers.  They are a great example of marriage and dedication to each other, to their families and anything else they set their hands too.

Denver Headshots for a couple for their Denver branding photos with a Denver Branding Photographer

I have loved watching their careers morph and see how they have helped grow a little startup church to one of the fastest growing churches in America.

Denver branding photographer takes pictures of a woman for her Denver headshots. Denver Headshots

Vincents, thank you for supporting me and my business over the years.  And thanks for being awesome.  You are a blessing to those who know you and all you come in contact with.

Denver Headshots

I am working on a blog with helpful hints on how to prepare for your headshots.  So stayed tuned for that blog which will come with a free download!  Coming next week to the blog!  Want to see more Denver headshots or Denver branding photography?  Check out these legit Ghostbusters, these beautiful doulas, this power couple  or this post that is full of a ton of different Denver headshots I have done over the years.

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  1. […] and I share a mutual friend (hi Margaret). So when she needed updated headshots, Margaret sent her my way (thanks […]

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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