Brand consistency goes beyond just having a pretty grid on Instagram. Consistency in your brand is all about building relationships, trust, and recognition in your business. As a brand strategist and brand photographer, I have seen that when branding is done correctly, it can bring in ideal clients and help your marketing efforts. Here is how to ensure regularity in your branding.

Brand Consistency Examples
You may be wondering where to start with building brand consistency. You are not alone! This is something I get asked all the time as a brand strategist, so here are a few spots to help you get started!
The first thing you can do to create uniformity in your brand is working on your bio! Having the same image in your bio for your profile pictures across all platforms is great place to start. Then move onto your actual bio, make sure that matches across all platforms and really speaks to your ideal audience.

Fonts & Colors
Another area where I see inconsistency in branding are the details of your brand. Font styles, sizes, colors and even logo details. Be sure that these are uniform across all social platforms and your website so that you are easily recognized.
Brand Photography
Another way to create consistency is through brand photography. You can have a steadiness in quality, editing style, lighting, and backdrops. All of this helps your product and/or services become more recognizable and trusted by your audience.

How To Create Brand Consistency
I am a business owner myself, so I get it. I know being consistent can be difficult, especially when you begin to expand your business. Creating more social profiles, hiring more help, and outsourcing. The bigger your business gets, the harder it can be to keep a crystal-clear brand. Your mission, values, and small details can get muddy.
A great solution is to have a brand guide to keep things on track! This allows you to quickly be reminded of your brand and make sure everything looks the same. I offer a free brand guide you can get here! This has helped me and countless clients keep their branding organized and streamline the process of outsourcing so you can expand your business.

Ready to strategize and level up your brand? Start with me here!

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