Do you have a business or a brand? Brand personality is a key part of creating a sustainable and successful business. So, Denver commercial photographers and business owners need to know how to ACTIVELY create a brand-enhancing business–you can’t afford to be PASSIVE! Let’s chat about cultivating a brand that works for you.

About the Shoot
Elyse is an anxiety specialist and helps coach people with mental health concerns, including OCD and anxiety. She has NEVER had professional photos or branding pics done and was really nervous. But we knocked these out during a mini-session! Her website only had cell pictures on it and now she looks professional and legit! Check out her brand update and services here.

The Difference Between Business and Brand
If you’re expanding your business, you may not even realize the distinction between your business and your brand. You have socials under your business name, isn’t that enough? Not quite. When your clients think of your business, it may feel more cold and manufactured. But when they think of your brand, it should be a representation of the heart of your business!

Cultivating Your Brand Personality
How can you cultivate a brand personality? One aspect has to do with the visuals of your brand, including the colors, style, and photos that you put out to your clients. Another side is the messages you post! Do you sound professional, fun, or approachable? Together, your messaging and visuals are a cohesive front that creates a strong brand personality.

Brand Personality is About Trust
Next, your brand is PERSONAL. It is about connection, trust. You want people to fall in love with you. Whether you are Coca-Cola or a one-woman show, you have to get people to relate to you, believe in you and want to tell their friends about you! While it’s important to post about your sales and services, don’t miss the opportunity to post honest connections about your life and work within your business. You will see results!

As a business owner, it can be SO hard to know if your brand personality is reading to your target audience, or if they’re seeing way too much “business.” That’s why I’m offering you my expertise as a Denver commercial photographer. I’ll check out your work and identify key areas for growth! Book a free call with me to see if your brand needs a boost.

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