Wondering how your brand stacks up? Feeling like you might need to revisit or refresh your brand? Now is the time to dive in and see where you are excelling and where you might need to level up.
Are you ready to go from overwhelmed with your branding to overjoyed that your branding is dialed in and reaching your ideal audience...in just a short time?
It is time for a Brand Blitz!
Look at all the key ingredients of your brand and make improvements.
How does this sound?
Spend 10-15 minutes per day to level up your brand so you can get back to running your business.
Cross branding off of your list and feel good about how you are representing yourself.
Have a branding expert and strategist walk you through your brand and help you level it up quickly and easily.
Look professional, legit and cohesive in your branding so your marketing is dialed in and reaching your ideal customer.
Join the brand blitz challenge
Here's The Break Down
Here's The Break Down
Delivered right to your inbox, here is out the outline of what is covered each section of the Brand Blitz challenge.
Don’t get overwhelmed with the creative stuff. Don’t think it is going to cost hours of time and buckets of money. You have it within you to get this done in 5 days and get your brand leveled up so you can reach more of your ideal audience.
Just think...in 5 days you will be on your way to checking something huge and overwhelming off of your list!
Join the brand blitz challenge
Sign up for the Brand Blitz challenge for less than $30. Make sure you check your junk mail and be sure you are getting the emails.
Check your email each day and carve out 10-15 minutes to work on your brand.
Check branding off of your overwhelming list! You are on your way to looking more legit and reaching your ideal customer.
Have a brand you are proud of.
Are clear in your marketing and branding.
Look legit and professional.
Feel confident in reaching your ideal customer.
Stand out among your competition!
All for just $17!
join the
brand blitz challenge
I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and visual expert.
Ready to unlock the secret to your brand? I am here to help you create a brand that tells a story, connects with your audience and makes you MONEY! I want to guide you through the mountains of places you have to show up as a brand so you can reach the summit and enjoy the view.
Learn about LiLo!
Wondering if you might need more than just a 5 day blitz? Think you need more of an overhaul? Sign up for a free branding consult call where you can ask me anything and we will dive into the good, the bad and the ugly of your brand. It is a great first step in your branding journey!
Need more?
I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Let's chat about how I can help you clarify your brand and make you more money!
Still on the fence?