Are you ready for a VIP Day with LiLo?

If you want someone to help you gain clarity & confidence in your brand and marketing and start implementing NOW....then you are in the right place.

It's time to partner with a branding expert

Short on Time and Inspiration?...

Start implementing FAST. Focus your mind for one day so you can start seeing results immediately. Stop trying to fit it in around everything else going on. No more dropping balls or feeling stuck. Get on your way to confidence and making money right away!

You don't have to do it alone.

how it is different:

It's my mission to help small business owners unlock the power of their business so they can stand out in the crowded online market.

Can you do it on your own? Of course you can. Will it take you longer. Of course it will. Will you struggle without someone to walk you through it, probably. Will having an expert on your side make everything easier, faster and higher level? Definitely.

I get it

That's Where I Come In

I used to be in your shoes... feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and getting nowhere trying to market my business. It felt like pushing a giant rock up Mt. Everest. I couldn't make progress because I was talking to EVERYONE and therefore was talking to no one.

Everyone told me I needed to "niche" down but I was scared. I didn't know what I wanted. It was years of effort with no reward.

And then....I found the key. When I sat down and figured out a strategy for my all clicked! As a photographer I knew the importance of my brand looking good, but as a brand strategist now I know the importance of the MESSAGE being good.

Book a
free call

(Photos can be added for an additional cost)

30 days of unlimited Voxer- so you feel certain as you move forward

Virtual or in person- to accomodate your busy schedule

Lifetime access to the build a brand course- to make tweaks as needed

immediate clarity for your brand- so you can start making money fast

Having an expert to guide you- knowing you are doing the right work

6-8 hours of branding strategy- to get you feeling confident

What Does a VIP Day Look Like?

Are you short on time? Do you want to get started right away? Do you not want to mess around for 30 days? Do you Need more accountability?

If this sounds like you and you Are ready to implement quickly and move forward as fast as you can? ThE VIp day is for you!

Book a
free Call

Is this for you?

Brand Strategy

Move through the steps of branding with Lisa to clarify your vision, your value & pricing, your messaging & voice, the visuals of your brand and how to get the message out!

  • Defining Your Mission, Vision, Values
  • Finding What Makes You Unique
  • Clarifying Your Ideal Client
  • Honing Your Messaging for YOUR audience
  • Brand Visuals that Convert (photos, colors, logo)
  • How to Show Up on Social Media
  • Creating a 30 day content plan

Vision, Value, Voice, Visuals & Vehicle

Here's What You Can Expect

Brand Guide

You will walk away with a document that has everything you need to know about your brand from fonts & colors to logos & visuals. This makes it easy to reference and share with team members so everyone is on the same page.

A Comprehensive Reference Guide

IG Content

Have an expert content creator at your fingertips. Work together to create a months worth of content to directly interact and engage with your ideal audience.

30 days of content for IG

Action Steps

How to use what you learned to transition your brand forward. Via your website, social media, branding and so much more. You will have clear vision on your ideal client, how to find them and what to say to them: Start implementing immediately!

Moving your brand forward

Pricing starts at $1999

30 days of Unlimited Voxer access

Build a brand course

Canva Template for Social Media

Audit of what you currently have

Bonus Items Included

You know which option I’m voting for Because I know you want to...

  • Define Your Mission, Vision, Values
  • Find What Makes You Unique
  • Clarify Your Ideal Client
  • Hone Your Messaging for YOUR audience
  • Have Brand Visuals that Convert (photos, colors, logo)
  • Show Up on Social Media
  • Create a 30 day content plan

And you want to do it FAST!

You’ve got two choices:

Keep doing what you are doing. Staying stuck. Wondering why your marketing isn't working. Hiding behind your "website not being up to date". Not showing up on social media because you don't know how. 


Gain clarity in ONE DAY and get started putting that information to work immediately so you can start making more money in your business tomorrow!  


Go from this

To this

Book a free call

Schedule a VIP Coaching Day with Lisa and do the pre-work for the VIP day.

Here's How it  Works...

Step 01:

Spend the day clarifying your brand and getting an action plan on how to implement!

Step 02:

Following your VIP Day you will have a comprehensive plan for your brand including messaging, visuals and even content!

Step 03:

Get Started

get started

Our 1:1 coaching might be best for you! Take 30 days to level up your business and marketing.

Looking for something a little more self-paced?

do you have more time than money?

You might be wondering...

Are photos included? 

You can add branding photos to any package. And I travel! So if you aren't in the Denver area, I can come to you or you can come to me. I love to add photos to help complete the package.

What if we don’t get everything done in one day?

We can always extend our coaching for an additional price! You will also have access to the Build-a-Brand course for the lifetime of the course. So you can continue working on your own with all of the tools I have given you.

How soon can we get started?

After our free consulting call, you can get started as soon as you sign the contract and pay! We can schedule your virtual or in-person VIP day starting in just a few days or weeks depending on our schedules aligning.

How does it work virtually?

If we are working together virtually, we can do it in one long day or 2 shorter days (recommended) as it can be tedious working over zoom for 6+ hours. You can also come to Denver or I do have travel packages as well!

I’m not a creative person. Will this work for me?

You don't have to be creative to know your business! We are going to be working through your brand as a whole. Let me worry about the creative part!

This is a big investment. How do I know if it is worth it?

I get it! I was nervous when I first invested in my first coach. But every coach I have ever invested in, boosted my confidence as well as my profit! At the end of our coaching you will have a strong brand that speaks to the RIGHT people and allows you to show up confidently in your marketing and sales...which makes you more MONEY!

Testimonials like these are exactly why I do VIP DAYS! are you ready for results like this?

Gained clarity


I was looking for clarity in the business that I was creating but there were so many unknowns and it just seemed like there were so many things scattered in my brain. But I walked away with having a clear direction and more insight and I was blown away!

Real Results

streamlined her workflow


Lisa brought me clarity on really focusing in on who my client is. Also, just making sure I am not wasting my time and really ensuring that I can streamline my workflow to make everything more efficient. Now I can move forward and have a really professional looking brand.

Real Results

branding photos with intention


Lisa is a creative genius! Here are the reasons you need to work with her. She is responsive, she created a strategic map for our session, she understood my brand and messaging and made it very intentional. My photos perfectly represent who I am.

Real Results

FIgured out her niche


Working with Lisa on my brand helped me realize that I have very specific things to say to a very specific audience. By breaking it down, it makes it easier for me to see what I want to teach for a very long time.

Real Results

Has a Social Media Plan


I suddenly have clarity on social media content! Lisa asked very specific questions, very pointed questions and now I am going to come up with a plan. Now I know how to do it! Thank you Lisa!

Real Results

Are you still wondering...
why work with LiLo?

Expertise Beyond Marketing: I bring more than marketing expertise; I bring a keen understanding of how to build a brand online with over a decade of experience converting visitors into sales for my own brand.

Collaborative Approach: Our journey is a partnership. I value your insights, and together, we'll co-create a brand strategy that aligns with your vision and goals.

Authenticity in Action: I don't just talk about authenticity; I live it. Our collaboration is founded on transparent communication, genuine connection, and a shared commitment to your success.

So, what do you say??

Are you ready for a branding cheerleader?

get started

get started

Let's create a strong, confident brand so you can attract the RIGHT customers and build the business of your dreams!

Ready to have a brand expert at your fingertips?

lets do this.