I am so thankful for the families that have been with me from the beginning.
Aren’t they just the cutest?
Hello Fall. I love you and your beautiful trees and color.
These boys are so fun. They were all riled up on the day we took pictures and they didn’t want to sit still for pictures but I still managed to make a little magic happen.
I once saw a cute and fitting definition for boys. Boys…..a noise with dirt on it. So true.
Noah: Extremely adorable with just a hint of mischief.
Aidan: Silly, zany, fun with a smidgen of stubbornness.
We got some good laughs while trying to get the boys to sit still. If they won’t sit still, you might as well tickle them, right??
I LOVE this picture. No children were harmed in the making of this photo. I was trying to get them to “show me your muscles” and this is what I got. It looks like Brian just punched Noah in the head. But it was just Brian flexing and Noah being a bit confused as to what I was asking for. I laughed so hard when I downloaded this to my computer.
This beautiful lady has started her own business making hand painted wooden signs. You should check out her website
here. They a beautiful and would make a great Christmas presents! They have been so wonderful in telling all of their friends about me so now it is my turn to tell all of my friends about Becky and her awesome work.
Go check it out!
I love this family and these boys. They have become one of the cornerstones of my business and have been my biggest cheerleaders and refer me to all of their friends and for that I am extremely grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I can’t wait to do all of this again next year with you guys!
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