The Sculkey Wedding- Stonehouse Park Wedding

August 30, 2017

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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The Sculkeys.  That is what we affectionately call them.  They are the Scullions and the Luebckes.  So naturally, when you combine it it makes for the Sculkeys.  And that is what this beautiful union is all about.  A fun, quirky, crazy, wild, sweet, awesome combination.
Phew.  This is going to be a tough one to get through.  I am getting all misty-eyed already.  This wedding was particularly special to me because it is my best friend who also, luckily enough, is my sister.  I scored in that department and even though we fought (at lot) when we were younger, now you can’t pull us apart (although we do still occasionally fight- but not very often and it usually involves a board game).
We have been through a lot together.  We lost an older sister when we were younger.  We have been through betrayal and loss together.  We have had amazing times and we have held each other tightly when the other one experiences loss beyond words.  (Thanks Lynette for snapping this treasured picture of us!)
About 18 months ago, Julie and Levi met and started hanging out.  And the rest is history.  They have spent the last 18 months getting to know each other, finding friendship and love in each other, falling in love with each other’s family, seeking God’s will together, healing from past difficulties, figuring out life together and finally deciding to unite their two special families.  Early in July, Levi concocted a great way to ask Julie to be his wife.  And the whole plan went haywire and nothing went like it was supposed to.  He was going to wait for the next day but the kids were so excited and really wanted it to happen (they were in on the plan) so in a way that is perfect for their lives, he just asked her in the middle of the chaos of the night in Julie’s kitchen.  It was perfectly imperfect.  Just like their lives together!  You should ask them sometime for the full, chaotic, crazy, mixed up story.
And then they decided….why wait?  So 31 days later, they got married.  I love it!  If you have a year to plan a wedding it will take a year to plan.  If you have 31 days, it takes 30 to plan.  Not only did they plan a wedding, they pulled off an amazing wedding!
It was very low key.  Julie did the girls’ hair and it was pretty relaxed considering all of the moving pieces and the fact that they were doing everything themselves.

We were all a bit worried as it rained all day the day before and was forecasted to rain all day on the wedding day.  Not good if you are having an outdoor wedding and reception.  But a few minutes after we started taking pictures the rain stopped. 
These pictures are my favorite.  I love this family so much.  As I have spent time with them the last 18 months it has been a pure joy.  These kids are all so amazing.  They are loving, sweet, accepting and they have been through a lot but have come out well balanced and untainted. 

Don’t they all just look so happy???

They are never lacking in the fun department. 
Look at my nieces and nephews!!!

I am so thankful to have two new ones.  They are already calling me Auntie Lisa and run to hug me and fill me in on what they have been doing every time I see them!  It makes my heart so happy.
The girls.  So glad Adah gets to have a sister now.  I hope she and Lyla are as close as Julie and I someday.

Isn’t this picture the best??  Already looking up to the big boys.
Everyone was happy, cooperative and did so well for pictures.  It made my job so much easier!
They decided on Stone House Park because it is beautiful and fit the budget.  It ended up being a perfect location and they even had tables and chairs on site.  That was a life saver (and budget saver).  It is even a registered historic site and is surrounded by a beautiful park.
Julie and I spent an afternoon decorating mason jars and filling them with baby’s breath.  I love the way they looked all mis-matched on the tables.

Add some old-fashioned lights and BOOM, you have a beautiful setting for a family wedding reception.

When the family had assembled we all headed over to the grassy hill and the ceremony started.  A good friend from Julie’s school officiated while the families stood and watched the short, heart felt, simple ceremony.  The kids were the only ones who stood with them.  

And as soon as the ceremony started, the sun came out and it was breathtaking.  So symbolic of what they had been through and now the sun was shining and new blessings were beginning.  It was awesome. It was a ceremony filled with joy, love, truth and most importantly GOD!

They really wanted to make it more about the families uniting than just the two of them.  So during the ceremony they spoke to each kid and talked about their strengths and what they added to the family.  And then they gave them gifts.  It was very unique and special.  And I can tell you that these kids really get along well and it is so cute to watch them interact with each other.

 Mr. and Mrs.

Then it was time to party!!!  However, this blog is long enough and I want to give justice to the reception and the pictures of the bride and groom so you will have to stay tuned for the second half of this celebration. 
For more photos follow me on Instagram, Facebook or visit www.photolilo.com.

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  1. My heart is so full of joy for you, Julie! GREAT job on the photos, Lisa!

  2. Lisa walter says:

    I LOVELOVELOVE every.single.one of these pictures! Congratulations and praying for many, many years of God's blessings upon this newly united family.

  3. Lisa your photos are just perfect! There are so many twists and turns in life but what matters is God's hand is upon the new Sculkey family. Oh how beautiful this union is. I am so happy for sweet Julie and Levi. The kids are a perfect reflection of their parents and the work that has been done to prepare them for life's not so perfect world. The smiles say everything. I wish this gorgeous, perfect in every way, family that has been brought together by God's never ending love to grow together, loving each other fully through all He has for them. God bless this family in every way possible.
    I look forward to hearing more about each and every one of them.

  4. Ant says:

    Oh my gosh, I love this so much! Such a great story, beautifully told through words and pictures. There's a not a bad shot in the bunch. All so warm and loving. Thank you for sharing! Those of us who have been praying for your sis and the kids for a while especially are enjoying this.

  5. Lisa Lord says:

    Thanks Alice! I appreciate it.

  6. Lisa Lord says:

    Thanks Lisa! I know they appreciate your support and prayers.

  7. Lisa Lord says:

    Thanks Kellie! You are so sweet. Your kind words mean a lot to us all.

  8. Lisa Lord says:

    Thanks Margaret! It has been fun to see God's hand and answered prayers throughout this entire process.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

It's frustrating and defeating when you can't seem to create content that engages your audience. It can cause imposter syndrome and leaves you feeling like you are constantly on the hamster wheel making zero progress. I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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