
Best of 2017- Denver Colorado Photographer

December 23, 2017

Must have brand photos for your biz
3 branding mistakes to avoid
How to update your brand in 10 minutes
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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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As 2017 comes to a close I wanted to take a look back and see what 2017 brought for LiLo Photography.  2017 was an amazing year.  I set some pretty lofty goals and for the most part, I conquered those goals.  I can’t wait to sit down and starting dreaming about 2018.  Sorry for the long post, but I bet if you scroll through this you might see some people you know and love!
One of my biggest goals this year was to quit my part time job (even though I loved it) to be able to focus more on photography full time.  In May, that dream came true.  It was the perfect timing for me to transition out of my job as they needed someone who wanted to work more hours and I wanted to work less hours.  I miss all of my dear friends there but I am able to visit often and it has been great for me to have more hours to do photography.
Another big goal for me this year was to do more birth photography (5 to be specific).  This has become a true passion for me and I was so thankful to be there as 5 babies took their first breath.  Next year I am hoping for even more!!  I think these birth images are some of my ALL time favorites.  Such joy, pain, raw emotion and truly a life-changing event!
Look at Grandma’s face in this one!
It was such a long road for this mama.
I was lucky enough to go into the OR with this couple as they had to do a C-section after 24 hours of labor.  It was such an amazing experience. 

So hard to choose favorites when it comes to these photos.

I was so thankful to have captured other big days as well.  My weddings this year were AMAZING!  I even got to photograph my sister’s wedding.  What a privledge. 

Look…I even made it into a picture!

Cutest first look I have ever done. Look at the girls peeking.  And it wasn’t even staged!
Most beautiful first look.  The lush forest made these photos even more magical!
What comes after marriage???  Cute little baby bumps of course!  
Check out these beautiful mama-to-bes.

Newborn babies are some of my favorite sessions.  They are a lot of work and usually have me sweating (as I keep the room REALLY warm to keep the babies sleepy) but I love to snuggle them and capture this newborn stage.  I am super proud of these images and how far my newborn photography skills came along this year.

It is no secret that babies are my favorite.  I love to cuddle and hold them, I LOVE baby drool and I love being silly and making them smile.  Look at all of these cute babies.  Some of them you can even watch them grow as I did 4 month and 8 month sessions for them. 

Then comes the one year session.  Usually we do a cake smash and 
I love to watch them devour their little cake! 

I am so lucky to work with so many wonderful families!  
I love capturing their love and freezing time for them.  
I had some amazing family sessions this year!

And look at all of these adorable sibling shots!  

So many cute kids. Some of them might just have a future in modeling.

Look at this fun picture of my kids and my sister’s kids.  
It was a remake of a photo we did 7 years ago. 
Another goal this year was to capture emotional connection.  Whether it is between a husband and wife, a mother and child or an animal or nature, I wanted to capture emotion.  Needless to say these are some of my favorite as well! 

Are you tired of pretty pictures yet?  Good, me neither.  Let’s continue.
Another favorite session for me is when my nieces turn 13 I do a photo shoot for them.  So this year McKenzie turned 13 so we did a fun teenage session.  I love this girl!

Speaking of teenagers…..Senior pictures are the best!  I love spending time getting to know them and having a little bit longer of a session where we can find great spots and great lighting.  I even did some fun sessions with my other niece and her friends.  I can’t believe she is going to be a senior next year!

Double trouble.  Twins are so much fun!  I love to see their personalities come to life!

 Head shots.  Again, I love doing these as it gives me time to get to know them and making them feel beautiful and special.  

Another goal of mine was to do more inanimate pictures.  I have always been more of a people person, but this year I really stretched myself and tried to do more promotional pictures, commercial shoots and pictures for social media marketing.  I really enjoyed this new form of photography.  I also got a new macro lens and I LOVED experimenting with it and taking new and different pictures.  These have been a labor of love for sure.  Enjoy!

Styled Shoots.  In the past I have shied away from these.  I never really had time for them and I didn’t really find any that I wanted to participate in.  This year, I decided to put myself out there and do more styled work.  It is like a play-date for photographers.  Basically someone finds beautiful people, stunning flowers, arranges beautiful details and then you get to go and take pictures of it.  It is wonderful because usually on a wedding day you don’t have time for a ton of artistic liberty with details.  This gave me time to capture beautiful, creative and new things!  It was so much fun and I love the images.  I never got around to blogging about the two styled events because they were within a few weeks of each other and happen to hit in my busiest month.  So enjoy these beautiful pictures!!  One of the shoots was Colorado themed (YES!) at a local brewery.

The other one was a Villa Parker and was stunningly beautiful…….complete with a hanging cake.  What!?

And last, but certainly not least……the bloopers.  
These images just make me laugh and smile and I had to let you in on them!

Thank you so much for sharing your lives with me.  I am so grateful that I am able to do what I love and what I am passionate about!

I can’t wait to see what 2018 is going to bring!

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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