
Denver Extended Family Photographer- The Griffin Family

February 22, 2019

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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As parents we all hope that we are raising good humans.  Well, these parents should teach a parenting class because they hit the nail on the head.

Denver Extended Family Photographer

These “kids” got together and decided to do family pictures for their parents as a surprise for their 40th anniversary this year.  Isn’t that such a great gift idea??

Denver Extended Family Photographer

I wish I could have been there when they got to see the pictures on their anniversary.  Do you think their mom cried? I would have!

Denver Extended Family Photographer

I have known Josh and Fran for a few years but it was fun to meet Josh’s brother and sister and see how they are similar and how they are different.

Denver Extended Family Photographer Denver Extended Family Photographer

Let’s pause this blog for just a minute and park right here on this sweet image of Gal.

Denver Extended Family Photographer

One thing is for sure…..this family makes cute kids!  And there will be one more little girl coming in just a few weeks.

Denver Extended Family Photographer Denver Extended Family Photographer

I love all of the red hair in this family!

Denver Extended Family Photographer

Little girls in red snowsuits are just about the best thing in the whole world.

Denver Extended Family Photographer

19 months old little girls are pretty adorable as well.

Denver Extended Family Photographer

They all grew up in Evergreen and so naturally, they wanted photos in Evergreen near the Lakehouse.  I was happy to oblige as it is always so beautiful there!

Denver Extended Family Photographer Denver Extended Family Photographer

I can’t wait for these three to become the Griffin four in just a few weeks.

Denver Extended Family Photographer

Sadly…our time came to an end.  Gal was pretty sad about.  I know how you feel darling.

Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad Griffin.  Well done!!  I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed hanging out with your kids.  Want to see more big ol’ families?  Check out the Leopold family or the Gundlach family.

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  1. Mary Griffin says:

    yes there were tears…we are so very fortunate to have such amazing children. love the entire crew with all our heart. JC and Marebear…

  2. Valerie Adams says:

    As the aunt of these beautiful nieces and nephews, I have to say…the pictures are all beautiful! Know J and Mary will enjoy these every day!!

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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