There is order in all things, and that includes your business! There is never a “did the chicken come before the egg” type question in business. As a brand consultant who has helped dozens of businesses become more strategic, productive, and profitable, I can tell you that branding always comes first! Branding is what defines your vision, values, mission and so much more! And without branding, your marketing will suffer. Branding vs Marketing: let’s talk about each!
Branding is so much more than fonts and colors. It is what defines your business and creates the message you present to your audience. A strong brand is clear on what problem is solves, for what customer and what it takes to achieve those goals. When you know your brand, it makes every move you make in your business easy and intentional.
Marketing will always come after branding. If you allow your marketing to come first, you will miss opportunities because of a lack of clarity. Think of your marketing as your how. It is how you get your vision to your audience, how you make sales, how you increase brand recognition, and so much more.
Branding vs Marketing
Branding is why, and marketing is how. Branding is is your image, marketing is sales. You need both, but branding must come first! By having good, solid branding, your marketing will be so much easier! In addition, it will be easier to outsource, work with other brands and even get sponsored.
If your marketing has been suffering, it might be time to spend a little time, money and energy on dialing in your branding. Book your Free Brand Strategy Call today so we can strengthen your brand and make everything else is your business easy!
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