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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help small business owners, like you, create a brand that is like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy to branding photography, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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The D Word.

April 18, 2018

There is one question that drives me to turn into a Disney Villian!!  Nothing turns me into a raving lunatic faster than this question.  Probably one of the main reasons I hate it so much is that I am asked this question multiple times per day.  Do you know what it is?


It is known as the “D” word at our house.  Dinner.  Ugh.  Why must they eat every night?

It causes me to go off the rails.  Probably because there is the pressure that I HAVE to feed my kids (and husband) dinner  Every. Single. Night.  I have boys and they are ALWAYS hungry.  So I hear the “what’s for dinner” question multiple times per kid per night.  So if each kid asks me 2x then I hear the question 6 times.  Every. Day.

They get in the car after school and it is immediately one of the first things they say to me.  What’s for dinner?  Never mind that dinner is probably over 3 hours away…..inquiring minds want to know.

I have actually YELLED at my kids (ashamedly multiple times) for asking me this question.

Why does it bother me so?  The main reason is because most of the time I DON’T KNOW YET!  And the fact that they keep asking me and reminding me that I DON’T KNOW stresses me out!!

Over the last few years (and months specifically) I have figured out a way to relieve my stress a bit.  Pair that with the fact that my kids have learned that the “D” word really angers (and stresses me out) and they have gotten much better about asking me the dreaded question.  Many times they will start to ask me and then catch themselves and say “never mind”.  Now that I have started implementing this program though, I often say “it is okay….I already know….we are having ______ for dinner.”  And everyone is happy.  I am no longer stressed.  Our food bill has gone down and after school and dinner prep are SO much easier and happier.

My trick.  I have made a list of our favorite go-to recipes.  I used to go to Pinterest and just browse my “recipe” board, find what sounded good and then made a grocery list from those recipes.  But it was hard to always be going back and forth between Pinterest and my grocery list.  So I made a printout of recipes that I keep handy.  If I am stuck on what to make that night (or if I am good and planning ahead) I can just look at my list based on what sounds good or what I have in the fridge.

I divided my list into the main ingredient in the dish so I have our favorite recipes listed by chicken, ground beef, soups, salads, side dishes, etc.  That way if I have chicken in the fridge and I don’t know what to make, I can look at my chicken list and get inspired.

Also, I can look at my “list” of what’s for dinner and do my grocery shopping.  My favorite way to grocery shop is from the comfort of my home….from my computer.  I love Walmart Grocery To Go.  I have been using it for a few years now and it is amazing.  It saves my favorites and often time I just shop from my favorites based on what I am making for the week.  I have most of my go-to recipes mostly memorized so I know exactly what ingredients I need.  They have free pickup and usually if I order before 10 am then I can pick it up that afternoon.  It is a game changer.  It saves me so much time (and money as I don’t impulse buy while in the store).  And if you pick it up….it is free.  They do the shopping for me and all I have to do is pick it up.  For Free.  Yes Please!

Just yesterday I made my list and did my grocery shopping online and I picked them up this morning!  They even have an app to tell you when they are ready to be picked up and then you “check in” when you are on your way.  So when you get there, they are waiting for you with all of your groceries.  Amazing!!


Sorry these pictures are small.  I tried to upload them from my phone and my blog didn’t like them so they are tiny!  Oh well…you get the gist.  Me giving a thumbs up after picking up my groceries and the app that I use.

I know King Soopers also does this, but I prefer Walmart as it is closer to my house (and cheaper, although the produce isn’t as good).  I was also on yesterday looking for something and I saw that they are now doing delivery as well.  It said they have FREE delivery if your order is over $75.  I am going to have to try that one out too.  I hate the crowds at Costco.

Confession.  Sometimes I just get chicken, beef, and ground turkey and then I get some cupboard staples and then I look at what is in the fridge that morning and then look at my list of favorite meals and decide what sounds good.  If I I can plan ahead then I will sit down on Sunday or Monday morning and make my list of meals and ingredients and then I am all set for the week.  I don’t necessarily plan which meal I am having which day but it is more of a general plan.  Even I am not THAT Anal Retentive.  I prefer a more fluid approach that I can change as my appetite that day changes.

I also have a list of dinners for the week based on what I have shopped for or what I have in the fridge.  That way I know what I have planned for and what I ingredients I have on hand.  I put this list on my refrigerator so I can refer to it and when the kids ask the dreaded question….I am armed and ready!

Here is a little sneak peek of my families favorite meals.


I try to write where I found the recipes so if I need to look at the recipe, I know where to find it.  The (P) means it is on Pinterest!

Do you want my blank list so you can fill it according to your families favorite go-to meals???  If you follow this link and sign up for my email newsletter you can get this downloadable template for FREE!  Have you already signed up?  Send me an email at and ask for your copy!

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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