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A branding consultant, brand coach and brand strategist sits on an orange chair with her feet curled up and and her hand raised in the air with a look of surprise on her face.

Being a business owner can be overwhelming and finding the time for a comprehensive brand overhaul might seem daunting. However, the truth is, you can make meaningful updates to your branding in just 10 minutes. Let’s explore three quick and impactful actions you can take today to breathe new life into your brand. Here is […]

Update Your Branding in Just 10 Minutes

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Photography is a powerful tool in business. Through it, you can connect, build trust, tell your story, and so much more! It contributes to brand recognition, which is what elevates a small business and allows for consistent sales. As a Denver brand photographer of over ten years, I have seen the difference that good branding […]

How Brand Recognition Helps Your Business


branding photos by Denver brand photographer of woman sitting criss-cross and resting her elbows on her knees
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Small business branding isn’t necessarily easy, especially for those who are not seasoned brand consultants. A lot of strategy, research, and experience goes into building an authentic brand that resonates with your ideal audience. Over the years, I have learned how to simplify this not-so-easy task of branding. Introducing the “5 V’s”, a branding strategy […]

Small Business Branding: How To Best Brand Yourself

Denver Branding Photographer

branding photos for small business in denver colorado as the owner of the shop sits with his dog in the foyer
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There is order in all things, and that includes your business! There is never a “did the chicken come before the egg” type question in business. As a brand consultant who has helped dozens of businesses become more strategic, productive, and profitable, I can tell you that branding always comes first! Branding is what defines […]

Branding vs Marketing


denver brand photographer captures headshot of doctor as he sits in a chair at his office with his hands in his lap smiling
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When you ask me how to start a brand, I am not going to tell you it is easy. However, I will say it can be simple! As a brand coach, I like to keep it simple because, in my time, I have learned that overcomplicating your brand always leads to a disconnect between you […]

How To Start A Brand


Denver photographers captures business headshot with woman wearing a construction safety vet while holding a clipboard
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As a woman in brand photography, I get it. Sometimes, we go into a session feeling great, looking great, and expecting great photos. But then, when the gallery is delivered, we feel… not so great. As a Denver commercial photographer I have made posing women one of my areas of expertise, so that you NEVER […]

Flattering Poses For Women In Branding Photography


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Building a brand color palette isn’t as easy as picking out your favorite colors. It takes a bit more strategy and thought than that. Working with business owners as a brand strategist, I have noticed a common branding mistake that deals with branding colors. So today, I want to guide you through the process of […]

How To Build A Brand Color Palette


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Many business owners are nervous about making an investment in brand photos. Afterall, aren’t your current photos good enough? Well, if there is one thing I have learned from over a decade in business, it’s that we aren’t going for good enough. We are going for the best! And a great way to put your […]

How To Use Branding Photos


brand photo of a dentist in a decorated blazer with her hands in her pockets and smiling at the camera while standing in the office
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If you are looking to invest in brand photos, then chances are you want to do it right the first time around. These images will be used for all of your content for the next six to eighteen months! So, you should do what you can to ensure they turn out perfect for your brand. […]

What To Wear For Your Branding Photoshoot Outfits

Denver Branding Photographer

woman walking on clients back for a massage during her brand photos with denver commercial photographer
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Let’s be real, anyone can create a brand. However, not everyone can create a strategic brand to impress your ideal client. Creating eye-catching small business branding takes expertise, experience and even a bit of branding photography. Today, I am sharing three tips I wish I knew over a decade ago when I started my business […]

Create Small Business Branding To Impress


brand photos for small business branding photos with woman sitting at a table with her leg up in the air and her hand in her hair and laughing
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Branding headshots are essential in our fast-paced world. To make a memorable impression, stay relevant, and connect with your audience, you need to update your brand photography with changes in your business. These seemingly simple images hold great potential to allow you to gain clients and make more money. We are in the visual content […]

4 Reasons To Update Your Branding Headshots


branding headshots in a studio session with woman on a leather couch resting her elbows on her knees as she leans forward and smiles photographed by denver commercial photographer
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I’m not in the business of brand coaching. I am in the business of collaborating with ambitious entrepreneurs to create powerful brands! I am here for everything from your strategy to your photos and content. But to establish powerful branding, you must convey three things: who you are, what you do, and why it matters. […]

3 Things To Increase Brand Reputation

Denver Branding Photographer

candid branding photo with woman sitting on a hearth of a fireplace and flipping through a book for colorado brand photography
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Did you know 65% of the population are visual learners? It turns out, we have an excellent memory for pictures and visuals, which consistently exceeds our ability to remember words. This is why visual brand storytelling is critical when strategizing your brand. As a Denver Commercial Photographer, I help entrepreneurs capture more than just headshots, […]

Visual Brand Storytelling: The Power of Branding Photography


branding headshots for visual brand storytelling for small business owner who is holding a map while leaning in a doorway of a home

3 secrets most brand experts won't tell you Master Class

free quiz

10 Must Have Poses for every brand



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