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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help businesses, like yours, create a brand that fits like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy & branding photography to website design, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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I am here to empower business owners to create an irresistible brand that aligns with their purpose and value so they can confidently make an impact on the world. 

Year 2017

Eliana- Littleton Newborn Photographer

In case you have missed my recent posts, my best friend just had her rainbow baby.  If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a rainbow baby, it is a baby that comes after the loss of a baby (or multiple babies in this case).  It follows the idea of God’s promise to Noah and the rainbow as a symbol of that promise.  And the rainbow as a symbol of God’s faithfulness through the loss of a baby and the new life that comes after the loss.

I was so happy to go to their house a mere 4 days after Eliana was born and snuggling her and doing photos.  I spent WAY longer than I usually do, but there was a fair amount of snuggling, chatting and just a relaxed session between friends.  I loved every minute.  Hello bright-eyed girl!
Eliana was a perfect little lady.  This might have been one of the easiest sessions I have done.  Perhaps it was because she was so little or the fact that it was just a laid back session between friends.  I also have stock piling some new props and goodies in anticipation of all of the new babies joining the LiLo family.   As luck would have it Eliana was one of 4 baby girls I did in just one week.

I loved being able to incorporate so many personal items in this session.  They have had so many people praying for and loving on them and they received so many wonderful gifts.  Stacy wanted to honor all of that hard work and prayer.  So we did a princess and the pea theme with all of the beautiful blankets that were knitted, crocheted, made and gifted to them.  Isn’t she so sweet??
Stacy loves turquoise, so I love this sweet little set up.  She looks like a turquoise queen on a cloud.

These Colorado lovers now have a little Colorado native.  So we had to show off their loyalty with this little handmade “lovie” they received at one of their showers.
Stacy’s sister bought this elephant when she was in Thailand last summer.  It was a purchase of faith that she would hold her niece/nephew soon and even as she flew home Stacy was in the hospital thinking she was losing the baby (again).  But God had other plans and Eliana stayed put, safe and sound.  When she presented the elephant at one of Stacy’s shower there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when she told the story.  They decided that each month they would take a picture with the elephant to show how much Eliana had grown.  So here is the first one with her elephant.

I love newborn bed shots.  I love that is shows off their style, personality and allows them to relax in their own environment to showcase their daily, ordinary but beautiful life. 

I love how curly their toes are when they are first born.
These might be my favorite.  I love how content and completely in love they are with their baby girl.  They are so relaxed and even though there have been a few bumps in the road they have tirelessly worked together to do everything they can to help their baby girl to thrive.

Perhaps it is because they have waited so long to hold a baby of their own that they both just have stars in their eyes and they are just so happy.

Doesn’t motherhood completely suit her?

This guy has been a completely awesome and supportive partner, husband and father.  Throughout this process they have been such a great team and even though there have been some unexpected surprises and difficulties they have faced them head on with grace, beauty and unity.

At the very end we decided to do these quick shots.  And Eliana must REALLY love her Auntie Lisa because she showed off her beautiful smile!
Congratulations Stutzmans!  You have a beuatiful and sweet angel.  I love you guys and can’t wait to be there as Eliana continues to grow.
For more photos follow me on Instagram, Facebook or visit

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  1. Ant says:

    Goodness, these are special! Love the personal touch and the writing throughout <3

  2. Lisa Lord says:

    Thanks Margaret!

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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