
Lucia- Denver Newborn Photographer

February 21, 2018

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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Life can throw you a curve ball sometimes.  Just when you think you are all set and ready for something, like parenthood, God gives you a little nudge and says “you’re just going to have to trust me”.


This little family knows all about how life can change instantly.  Like when you are told that you have a less than 2% chance of having a Down Syndrome baby mid way through your pregnancy because her bones were measuring on the small side.  Then when your baby is born… is 100% sure that she does have Down Syndrome.  Does that mean that you love that little girl any less?  NO WAY!  But it does mean that you might shed a few tears (especially because you are raging with hormones) and that you have to get used to a whole new parenting scenario that you didn’t plan for.  But you roll up your sleeves, thank God for the beautiful gift you have been given and you pour your heart and soul into your baby girl.

It is so hard to see a tiny little baby hooked up to so many tubes.  But she is a champ (and so are her mom and dad).

Kristen and my husband work together so we have gotten to know each other a bit over the last few years.  She is an amazing woman and if anyone can handle a tough situation with grace, love and perspective it is this woman.  As I sat with her and chatted with her for a few hours while visiting I was amazed by her.  She has taken all of this in stride and tirelessly been at her daughter’s side.  She is 100% LIVING at the hospital and has only been home briefly to grab a few things 4 times in six weeks.  She knows all of the nurses and doctors by name and is sure to thank each one personally when they leave the room.  And she looks so beautiful!!  How did she just have a baby a few weeks ago, is living at the hospital and still manage to look this good??  When I asked how her husband was dealing with it she said “He is the perfect dad for Lucia.  He is so patient, loving and easy going that he makes this whole situation easier for all of us”.  Wow!  How cool is that!!  Lucia…. you are a luck little girl.  You are so loved!

Down Syndrome kids have always had a little piece of my heart.  They are always so happy and carefree.  I love it!  There is just something special about them.  And little Lucia (they call her LuLu for short…how cute is that?) is no different.  There is something special about this little girl and even the doctors and nurses all comment on how cute she is (and about her darling hair).  As we were doing pictures the nurse kept coming in and oohhing and ahhhing about how cute she was all dolled up for her pictures.

And her hair.  Don’t even get me started.  Can you believe her long black hair??  It is a permanent Mohawk no matter what Kristen does to try to tame it (and secretly I am glad because why would you want to tame something as cute a this?).  She is even smiling and she isn’t even 6 weeks old.  She is way ahead of the curve when it comes to smiling and being a happy baby.

Even this sweet little bonnet couldn’t contain the Mohawk.

Can you believe how nice this room is?  They have a private room with a window and everything.  Our oldest son had low blood sugar when he was born at 3 weeks early and had to spend 3 days in the NICU at St. Joe’s (14 years ago).  It was all in one room and it was dark and all of the babies were in there together which means there wasn’t much privacy.  It was fine for 3 days with a baby that wasn’t “that” sick but I can only imagine how hard that was for parents who’s child had to be in there for weeks or months.  RMHC has an entire wing with private rooms for everyone.  It is amazing!

This little gal is such a trooper.  She has already had to have a major surgery (moving around some internal organs and removing her Appendix) and barely fussed.  She had to be fed with lipids and through a feeding tube for over a week after surgery and yet seemed to take it all in stride.  When I got there, she had just graduated to a big girl crib and had her first bottle in over a week.  She tires easily so she had to be fed with a gravity tube but still she is making strides.  As soon as she can eat on her own and when she can get off of the oxygen, she can go home!  But if you think of her…pray as she still has some milestones to pass and also has to have at least one more major surgery in the next few months.

She is such a sweet baby with an easy disposition and she didn’t even fuss at all for the several hours I was there visiting.

Even her little yawn is adorable (and look at her little arm rolls….I was dying).

This was such a special session and I LOVED every minute of it.  I loved getting to catch up with Kristen and hear all about Lucia’s birth and progress, I loved getting to snuggle Lucia and I loved getting to take pictures of these two.  I only wish her daddy could have been there but he is working hard to provide for them and so he can take some time off when they come home from the hospital.

Congratulations Espino family!  It is an honor and joy to know you and your sweet baby girl.

For more photos follow me on Instagram (@lilo_photography) or Facebook (LiLo Photography).

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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