
The Rose Family- Denver Family and Senior Photographer

October 22, 2018

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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Want to meet one of the most amazing families I have ever known?  Good, because you are in luck!  Susie, Nathan and I go way back…..all the way to high school.  We keep track of each other on Facebook, but it was really fun to catch up with them and meet all of their fabulous kids.

Parker Family Photographer

I remember the Good Friday church service where Susie had to leave and go to the hospital because she went into pre-term labor with the twins.  And now Brooklyn is a senior (and Hudson will be next year).

Parker Family Photographer

Prepare for a TON of pictures from this session.  With 7 beautiful kids and 2 good looking parents it was hard to narrow it down!!

Parker Family Photographer

This family has the best story and love has truly brought them together.  They are pretty wonderful (and crazy silly too).

Parker Family Photographer

Because Brooklyn and Hudson were born so early, Hudson was born with cerebral palsy.  They have always had a heart for adoption so when they heard about Alex and the fact that he also had CP, they knew they were the family for him.  I love that they fully embrace the boys’ disabilities.  You should see how amazing their siblings are at helping out wherever needed without complaint.  It was a joy to watch them be together.

Parker Family Photographer

Parker Family Photographer

A few years later (and two more adoptions…this time two sisters) and now this family is complete.

Parker Family Photographer

All the different combinations are always fun during a shoot, but with big families I love them even more!

Parker Family Photographer

The littles.

Parker Family PhotographerParker Family Photographer

The guys.

Parker Family Photographer

The girls.

Parker Family PhotographerParker Family Photographer

The bookends.

Parker Family Photographer

Look at all of these adorable kids.

Parker Family Photographer

Susie looks exactly the same as she did in high school.  That is totally not fair, right?!  I am not sure how this woman does it all, but she truly does!  She even does kick boxing (and is a total bada$$).

Parker Family Photographer

22 Years and 7 kids.  It looks pretty good on them, don’t you think?

Parker Family Photographer

So if you have two seniors, you might as well tack on a family session and get it all done at the same time, right??

Parker Family Photographer

Now it is time for the seniors to shine.  Let’s start with Alex, since he is the oldest.

Denver Senior Photographer

Alex has joy oozing from his pores.  He was so happy and smiley the entire time we did pictures and did everything without complaint.

Denver Senior Photographer

Susie is trying to get him to wear contacts so he can stop hiding behind his glasses.  Look at those blue eyes!!!  Why would you want to hide those??

Denver Senior Photographer Denver Senior Photographer

Despite being on the smaller side and having to use a walker, this guy really gets around!

Denver Senior Photographer

The best part was seeing Susie carry Alex around!  No wonder why she is in such good shape!  It is just quicker and easier to pop him on her back and carry him piggy back.

Denver Senior Photographer

Alex has the best sense of humor and is smart as a whip (not really sure what that expression is all about, but he is really smart and quick whitted).  He made me laugh and smile during the entire session.

Denver Senior Photographer

Denver Senior Photographer

Alex has a pretty good serious face too.  Perhaps he should look into modeling!

Denver Senior Photographer

And last, but certainly not the least, is this beautiful girl!

Denver Senior Photographer

Brooklyn is the beautiful big sister.  She takes care of everyone while also keeping them in line!

Denver Senior Photographer

She also might have a career in modeling.  Check her out!!

Denver Senior Photographer

She is a rockstar volleyball player and wants to be an engineer when she grows up!

Denver Senior Photographer

Denver Senior Photographer

Once the rest of the family left, it was more relaxing and we were able to just hang out and get some great pictures.

Denver Senior Photographer Denver Senior Photographer

The sun and weather was perfect for this session and she NAILED it.

Denver Senior Photographer

Once she let her hair down (literally) her true smile shined through even more.  Isn’t she gorgeous???

Denver Senior Photographer

Brooklyn is a natural in front of the camera!

Denver Senior Photographer

Catching up with this beautiful, big ol’ family was an honor and a joy.  They are an inspiration and I can’t wait for Hudson’s senior pictures next year!

Did you enjoy this big ol’ session?  Then you might like this one of the Leopold Family last fall!  Check it out.

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  1. […] to see more big families?  Check out the Rose Family and the Laube-Stutzman […]

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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