On the 6th day of #blogmas LiLo brought to me…..Rosie the Riveter.
When I first met Amanda, her husband brought a homemade tee-pee and they had a whole set for their family pictures. I knew right then that they were going to be my favorite new clients. Fast forward 2 years and that is more the case now than ever before. I got to be there when Emma was born and late this summer she turned 1! That sure happened fast.
I knew Amanda would have something wonderful planned. For her 8 month pictures she brought pearls and had a vintage vibe. Click here to see images from that session. Emma came ready to flex her muscles for her Rosie the Riveter themed pictures.
Her little jean romper and headband were on point. We tried and tried to get her to flex her muscles, but she was WAY more interested in being cute instead. So we will give her a pass.
Emma also brought her adorable big brother and her mom AND dad along for pictures. They are seriously one of the cutest (and did I mention they are one of my favorites) families EVER!
Ethan….that spikey hair gets me every time. He looks like a little fashion model.
He turned 4 earlier this fall.
And despite Emma’s protests in this photo, he really is a great big brother.
This family so obviously loves each other.
Marriage looks good on these two. Even with little kids, they still have the magic.
Joel is a great dad and it was fun to watch him play around with the kids. Emma was “chasing” Ethan. My heart did a little flutter.
So Emma might now be closer to 18 months than 12 months, but she is still pretty dang cute and she sure loved her cake when she turned one this summer.
I love me a good ol’ fashioned cake smash. Emma got after it (and after the balloons too).
Ethan was being so cute and trying to be helpful….but he may have gotten into my picture. I don’t know why but I love this photo.
Doesn’t this look like a cake hangover.
Happy Late Birthday Emma. I have loved watching you grow up this year.
I am used to seeing the Yaw’s every few months so I am going through withdrawls. Click here to see Emma’s birth session and here to see her newborn session.
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