I must have some pretty vivid dreams because I SWEAR I wrote a blog for sweet little Molly and her 4 year old session we did earlier this summer. But alas, I must have dreamed that because I was going through all of my photos and blogs and realized this sweet girl was missing!
For the last 2 1/2 years I have photographed Miss Molly. I like to call her Miss Molly because she is like a miniature adult. She knows exactly what she does and doesn’t like, but she isn’t a terror or anything. Quite the opposite. She is such a delight!!!
4 year olds are the best!!! They are cute and sweet, they listen and they actually want to be in front of the camera. That makes my job so much easier.
Molly loved these huge dandelions that we found. She made a lot of wishes!! Sidenote: I probably should have edited this out, but I wanted to remember exactly how bad the mosquitoes were that night! Holy smokes! We were ambushed by those bloodsuckers (as noted by the mosquito on Molly’s forehead in this picture).
Hooray that Molly is 4!!!
Molly’s dad was on an overseas deployment with the Arizona National Guard over the last 9+ months. He just got back and I am sure that these two are over the moon to have Randy back!
In the meantime, Kimberly held down the fort and these two are like little peas in a pod. I love their mother-daughter bond.
She has so much personality and I LOVE it!
This little guy has been her constant companion for years. I love that we were able to capture her Lamb-y!!!
Happy 4th birthday Molly! I am only a few months late, but I still love you to pieces and I am so thankful that I get to capture you each year!
Want to see more of Molly? Check out her 3 year session or her 2 year session.
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