What is one of the perks of being a family photographer? Being surrounded by family members that are good-looking and extremely photogenic!
When Chris and I were dating and got married, I am pretty sure one of the reasons we chose each other was based upon our families. We are so incredibly lucky to both have wonderful families that we LOVE to spend time with. These days, we don’t spend as much time together as we would want with all of our kids going in different directions, but when we do get together, we have a blast! See what I mean….they are just fun!
One of these days we will have to get a full family session on the books, but this year I took what I could get! Stacey just wanted a few quick pictures so she could send out Christmas cards. So we met in Downtown Littleton on a day that was chilly and had an even colder wind! But as usual, they were troopers. It may have been a quick session, but these guys are professionals and they made it easy and fun. And bonus….I got to see 2 of my favorite nieces. Aren’t they SO beautiful!!!?
Then we walked to a nearby alley and grabbed a few more photos. Because I can’t take just one photo!! Here is a #reallife vs. #posedlife. At least Ashlynn was ready!
This girl is the life of the party and I love her to bits.
Ashlynn is off at college in Tenessee this year and we miss her terribly (but her hat fashion is on point)!!! Is it summer break yet so she can come home??
Love you guys! Let’s do a “real” session next year! Want to see more of my beautiful nieces? Here is Ashlynn, McKenzie and Adah over the last few years.
And if you are in the market for some family photos….I will hook you up! Email me at lisa@photolilo.com. I would love to meet your family!
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