
Denver Tween Photographer- The Hindes Girls

February 25, 2020

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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We are in this crazy phase of life where we don’t see our friends as much as we used to because we are all so insanely busy with our kids’ different activities.  So there are often months (or even a year) before we see old friends.  So when these girls walked into my studio to do a mini session I was SHOCKED.

Tween Photographer Littleton Tween Photography

My eyes just about popped out of my head when these girls showed up.  I have known Maddy and Ellie since they were practically in diapers.  And now they are basically grown-ups.  Okay I might be exaggerating but seriously….they are growing like weeds.

Tweens in Denver

Ellie and my youngest son were just sitting on a bench singing the ABC’s yesterday and now they only have a few months left of elementary school.

Tween Photographer

Maddy was in the beginning stages of the flu when we did this session.  Poor thing was a real trooper.  She missed the next 4 days of school and ended up testing positive for the flu.  Thankfully she didn’t share her sickness with me.

Littleton Photographer

But man…even being sick she can work the camera.  I love the classic look of this photo.

Denver Teen Photographer

The studio has this beautiful bed and the girls got all cozy!  These pictures might be my favorite.

Littleton Tween Photography

Denver Photographer

It wouldn’t be a tween session without jumping on the couch photos.

Denver Tween Session

Maddy and Ellie are really into soccer and are expert players.  So clearly they had to show off some of their mad skillz!

Denver Photographer

I am so glad we got to catch up a little bit and I could capture the girls in their new “tween” stage.  Want to see more tween sessions?  Check out Adah and Emmi’s sessions.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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