Oh Camden. Just when I think you can’t get any cuter…you grow a baby mohawk.
Of course I had to use the beautiful Colorado sunshine to highlight that gorgeous head of hair! Those are just two things that when put together make for a magical photo!
He is growing like a weed and I am pretty sure that by the end of our session he had grown out of these adorable overall….which is a shame as I am a total sucker for corduroy overalls!
Thankfully we have warm, sunny days in the middle of winter here in Colorado. It was even warm enough to strip down and do some nakey pictures.
Pretty sure he was auditioning for a modeling contract with Abercromie and Fitch in these photos. He has perfected the serious face.
Wanna hear something really funny? Camden is the most easy going baby…until his pees in his diaper. Then he loses his cool. No joke. We changed his diaper probably 6 times during our 45 minute session. I don’t envy their diaper bill!! Here is the pre-diaper change.
As soon as he has a fresh diaper, he is all smiles and ready for whatever, including being naked under a blanket.
Also, it helps that he has some delicious rolls to keep him warm.
This baby boy has the best expressions.
I can’t wait for my next session with Camden. Which will be in the blink of an eye I am sure. Want to see other 4 month milestone sessions? Check out Emberly’s session or Emma’s session.
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