
Hunter- Littleton Senior Pictures

January 3, 2021

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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So many of the senior pictures I did this year really hit home.  Many of these kids are friends with my son and I have known their families for years.  My turn is coming next year and I am not ready!  This session with Hunter for sure hit home.  We have been friends with the Foehners for years and our kids have done swim team together for 8+ years.  They are one of the best families around and I am so thankful that I was able to take these photos.  We started with some family pictures.

Emily goes to school in Hawaii but due to COVID she is not able to be there.  But it was a win for me because I got to see this sweet girl and take pictures of her again.  Feels like just yesterday we were doing her senior pictures.

Isn’t she just so beautiful?

Ashley and Brett are amazing people that are so kind, giving and willing to help!

And their kids are a perfect representation of them!  Just great kids.

The mother-son pictures get me every time!

You know we had to.

Then it was time to focus on Hunter.

Hunter is hoping to get into the Air Force Academy and he would be a GREAT fit.  They would be crazy not to pick him.

He came dressed for the part of Air Force Cadet, don’t you think?

We had to get a “cool guy” pose too!  We did it as a joke but it actually ended up being one of my favorites.

He is incredibly smart and kind to everyone.

He is like the boy next door that you hope your daughter falls in love with and that your son is friends with.

Pretty sure he has webbed feet because as a swimmer he spends hours and hours in the water!

So naturally, we had to incorporate water into his session.

Emily forgot her letter jacket for her senior pictures, so we took the opportunity to grab a few pictures of her in her letter jacket.

Thankfully Hunter didn’t forget his!

After our mountain session, we headed to Bear Creek Lake Park to get some swimming pictures for Hunter.  Swimming is a huge part of his life and he is REALLY good!

Hunter braved the really cold water and the fact that there was some algae in the water but rest assured he immediately went home to shower the grossness off!

Totally worth it, right?!

Thank you Foehners for your years of friendship.   Want to see more senior pictures?  Check out Jackie’s senior session or Everett’s senior session.

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  1. Ashley Foehner says:

    You are the best! I teared up reading this entry. You really captured us, and I’m so grateful to have these images ❤️

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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