You’ve done it. You booked your first branding session. Congrats to you…seriously! But now you’ve got a few questions on your mind. What type of photos should you ask for? What should you expect? As your Denver commercial photographer, I’m here to help you every step of the way. Most importantly, I am spilling the beans on which photos you must have for your branding photography session.

A Profile Photo and Beyond
Most people know the most important part of branding photography: a headshot of you looking and smiling. Headshots are most often used for profile photos or “official business”, but can also be used for advertisements, website content, or email signatures.
Other photos you need fall under the umbrella of The Three Ps. What are the three Ps? Glad you asked…

“People” Photography
The first P stands for PEOPLE. We’ll take a whole slew of photos of you and your team and whatever “people” are represented in your business (maybe even your family if that is part of your business)! Your clients love to see the faces behind your business. It helps them know, like and trust you and also helps them put a face with the name!

Process Photography
This P is the most unexpected one for SO many of my clients! This P stands for PROCESS: the process of making or creating your business or product! For example, if you are a candle-maker, we’ll take photos of you wax dipping, setting wicks, and pouring scents. If you are a coach, we will take pictures of your coaching process. People love to see behind the scenes of a business and it helps them picture the process of how things are done (which is helpful especially if you have a service based industry).
Why would you want these photos in your branding photography? You might be surprised how often a process photo comes in handy! They make for great social media posts, they look good on services or landing pages, and they provide a ton of credibility in your expertise as a business owner.

Product Photography
The last P is for product! These are photos focusing just on WHAT you create. We love to see detailed photos of the textures, colors, and materials of a physical product. People also love to see cute packaging and products lined up on sales tables.
If you sell a service, we can find workarounds for product photography! We can take pictures of the tools you use to complete the service (scissors if you’re a hairdresser, clothing and hangers if you’re a stylist, etc.) or we can use a symbol for the photography (like paper and notebooks representing online work).

Don’t forget….the P’s when it comes to your branding photos. Profile (headshot) photos, people, process, and product photos. Don’t miss out on any of these shots in your branding photography session!
And if this post got you fired up to finally book a branding shoot, I’m your gal! Click for more information on a session with a Denver commercial photographer, or book here.

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