
Building Trust Through Consistent Branding

February 2, 2024

Must have brand photos for your biz
3 branding mistakes to avoid
How to update your brand in 10 minutes
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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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I am here to help you level up your business through branded images that tell your story!

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, the end goal of your branding should be the same. To build trust! Because no matter what you are asking your clients or customers to invest in, they need to first believe in YOU! With strong brand photography, consistent branding and the right message you can do just that. So today let’s talk about how we accomplish consistent branding to get our message across and build trust.

The Right Messaging

Before you can be consistent in your branding, you need to know your message, which can be a little tricky. I recommend first identifying your niche, what you do, and who for. You probably already have a good idea of what skills you are turning into a business so that we won’t spend too much time here.

Then, consider doing market research! The best way to know what kind of message will get across to your audience and be the most relatable is to literally use their words. Don’t try to get fancy with it, instead keep it simple and relatable! Market research will make it so much easier to know what your ideal client is looking for in your niche. And will ultimately make it a lot easier for you to form the right message!

Consistent Branding

Now that we have our message down to a tee let’s dive into your branding and how it alone can build trust.

Consistent branding builds trust for one main reason. Because it is reliable. Nobody wants to take risks, especially in business. We know we have to in order to grow, but we don’t want to take risks for the sake of just taking risks! It’s against human nature. So, we naturally will take those risks we need to, with someone we can rely on. And a consistent brand creates that familiarity so many seek after. And as a result, clients and customers are more likely to trust and buy from brands the recognize. Which is now you!

To convey that you are reliable, trustworthy, and professional, you must create a predictable brand that people can immediately relate to and identify. Here’s how:


In addition to being consistent, fonts should be easy to read. This doesn’t mean the need to be boring or mainstream. You can pick a groovy or funky font as long as it can be read and is balanced with more typical fonts. This will add to brand awareness even as you make static posts that lack your headshot but have more copy.

Branding Colors

Your brand should be immediately recognizable! The combination of colors used can play a significant role in recognition. Combined with your font choice, brand colors create a unique footprint among your competitors. If you want your branding colors, fonts and details in one place, check out my free brand guide template.

Profile Pictures

Across all platforms, you should have the same profile picture for your business. I recommend not using your logo but using the same brand photo of yourself. Because at the end of the day, people want to buy from people! That’s why mom-and-pop shops, local markets, and small businesses still exist and thrive!

Wondering if your brand is good enough? Do you feel like you might need to revisit or refresh your brand? Now is the time to dive in and see where you are excelling and where you might need to level up. Check out my Brand Blitz Challenge to dial in your branding!

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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