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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help small business owners, like you, create a brand that is like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy to branding photography, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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Avoiding the Color Trap: Why Choosing Brand Colors Should Not Be Your First Branding Decision

February 19, 2024

As a brand photographer, I am all about helping my clients create a strong brand that speaks volumes. However, I have noticed a recurring theme when it comes to creating a brand that is putting so many creatives behind. It’s the color trap. Have you heard of it? Today we are discussing why choosing brand colors should not be your first branding design. As well as how to avoid the color trap.

The Color Trap | Choosing Brand Colors To Soon

Avoiding the color trap is as simple as knowing it exists and mindfully choosing to go against it. Instead of getting “trapped” in the mindset that you need a beautiful color palette and the perfect fonts, do the hard work first. Get your market research done, identify your niche, who is your ideal client, and what your values are. Honestly, the list goes on! But once you do that hard work, everything else will fall into place. Here is what to do before choosing brand colors. We have all fallen into the trap of redoing our colors or logo and avoiding the tough work, right?? Don’t do it!

Niche & Ideal Client

Hone in on your niche. This is best accomplished by combining your expertise with others’ needs. You may have a few different niches that you can fit in. And that is great! Now you have options in where you can best serve and decide what type of work you really want to do.

Once you decide on your niche, it is time to narrow in on who your ideal client is. What is the problem you will solve for them? What are their values? What is their price point? Consider everything your ideal will consider when looking for your services. Then, put your hypothesis to the test with market research!

During your market research, you may find that the direction you are going with your niche and ideal client needs some fine-tuning. And that is totally fine! That’s why we do the research so that we can learn as much as possible before selling to our ideal client.

Mission, Vision & Values

As you conduct market research and confirm your niche, you will form a more emotional connection that will either lead to a mission or emphasize the one you already have. This mission will encompass not only what you do, but the vision and values you bring to the table.

When we talk “vision,” we aren’t talking about your vision. As a brand photographer, I have learned through the years that the best thing I can deliver is my client’s vision. Bring their dream to life! And no matter the niche this is true. Once completing your market research, you are in the mind of your ideal client; you know their vision. Now use it! Share with them how you can accomplish their vision.

Next are values. Your values are unique to your business! How do you operate? How do you treat your clients? What parts of your character are shown while working with others? These values will be the points that build trust and dependability with your audience.

Define their vision, incorporate your unique values, and tell them how you can solve their problem. Boom, you have a mission.

Messaging Before Choosing Brand Colors

Lastly, before choosing your brand colors, tighten up your messaging. You will use everything we discussed beforehand for this. You did the market research, so you know the vocabulary your ideal client can relate to. Maybe you even have word for word what they are looking for from an interview you conducted. Simply incorporate that information into your mission as you show how you can solve their problem.

As you focus on the foundation of your business, everything else will fall into place. It is so easy to choose a color palette, and at the end of the day it isn’t your brand colors that brings in ideal clients.

Looking to tighten up your brand? Join my Brand Blitz Challenge today, and in a matter of days, you will be on track to a stronger, more defined brand.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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