Hello little Stanley. Welcome to 2020.
At one point Ashley thought she was going to have to choose between having her husband in the room, or having her doula. No offense to husbands, but if you are having natural childbirth a doula is WAY more helpful than a husband. Thankfully, she didn’t have to choose! Now if they would just let photographers back in!!!
Thankfully, COVID didn’t keep me away from sweet little Stanley. Isn’t he adorable??
I am so thankful that I have been able to photograph Dominic, Eleanor and now Stanley as newborns. Here is the progression of the last few years of the Rosemans and their growing family.
Getting four kids under the age of 7 to cooperate is a miracle, but here they are and it is adorable.
Bed photos are some of my favorite for newborn sessions.
Watching Dave with is babies is always such a joy. He is a great dad!
In true 2020 style we had a do a front porch picture (just peep at Dominic’s face….it is my favorite).
After we finished the family pictures, it was time for Stanley to get the spotlight. Out of all of the Roseman babies, Stanley was the most chill and easiest to photograph. Probably because he is used to the chaos and noise of having 3 older brothers and sisters.
It isn’t very often that I get open eyed pictures of newborns. So when I do, I love to show them off.
This just might be my favorite closeup newborn shot of all time! The way the light hit his face was magical.
Even the dog adores and wants to protect Stanley. These pictures are precious.
Thank you Rosemans for allowing me to be a part of your family during this crazy time and to capture the newborn goodness of your babies.
Want to see more babies? Check out Emberly’s Newborn Session and Halle’s Newborn Session.
[…] always does newborn pictures with each kid and then one year pictures. She always has a cute theme and the cutest clothes for […]