
Jayden and Matt- Denver Clock Tower Wedding

January 13, 2021

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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Picture this:  You get engaged December 8th.  You decide that with the uncertainty of COVID restrictions you might as well just married now.  January 7th, you tie the knot.  Jayden and Matt pulled off one of the most amazing weddings I have ever seen or been to in less than 30 days.  It was one of the most loving, stress free, family oriented weddings that honored God and it was a blessing to be a part of it.  It was the perfect mix of an elopement and an intimate family wedding.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

They booked the Denver Clock Tower as their venue, even though they had never been there.  They googled Clock Tower Weddings and found some photographs of a wedding I did there a few years ago.  She liked what she saw so she emailed me, I called her back and 10 minutes later she booked me (for her wedding in 10 days).  I thought I had retired from doing weddings, but if they were all like this one I would do them ALL THE TIME!

Downtown Denver Wedding

Jayden has got to go down as one of my favorite brides.  When I got off the elevator the day of the wedding I got to meet her and she was talking with her friends (who helped with coordinating everything).  She was so happy and chill and when they asked her if she wanted the candles one way or another her response was “I trust you guys to make it look great so do whatever you think is best”.  Isn’t that so beautiful and refreshing?  The entire day was like that.  She was just happy to be there with her closest family members and marrying the man of her dreams.

Downtown Denver Wedding

Jayden sent me a snapshot of herself and Matt so I knew they were a cute couple but I didn’t realize I hit the photography jackpot.

Downtown Denver Wedding

I had to keep pinching myself.  I swear these images belong in a bridal magazine.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Not only are they both incredibly good looking, but they were complete naturals in front of the camera.  I rarely had to tell them how to stand or pose.  They were just completely enraptured with each other and made for the sweetest photos.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Their first look was down in the lobby of the clock tower and it was so sweet.

Downtown Denver Wedding

The lobby is so dang beautiful.

Downtown Denver Wedding

Then we headed down the 16th street mall.  They live just a few blocks from the clock tower so it was awesome to be able to take pictures near where they live.  Downtown is so quiet right now but there were a few hoots and hollers and well wishes as we walked along.

Downtown Denver Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding

One of the perks of having your wedding at the Clock Tower is access to 5 floors of the building.  On the 14th floor is a beautiful getting ready room with an amazing balcony.

Downtown Denver Wedding

Downtown Denver Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding

And the elevator was an unexpected surprise as well.  It made for some pretty cool images.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Let’s take a brief break from these beautiful faces and talk about the rings.  Never before have I heard such an amazing story behind rings.  Matt’s grandparents were Holocaust survivors.  They married quickly and escaped to America to avoid being captured.  Matt’s ring is their two simple gold and silver rings soldered together.  Once they got to America and lived the American dream becoming quite successful, his grandma got this gorgeous ring that is now Jayden’s.  Such beauty, hope and faith represented in these three rings.

Denver Wedding PhotographerDowntown Denver Wedding

One of the things I loved the most about this wedding was their families.  It is easy to see why these two are so awesome because they come from awesome families.  So much love for their little girl.  During her toast at the reception Kristi (mother of the bride) said how she had been praying for Jayden’s future husband since she was born.  I just love that.

Downtown Denver Wedding

The moms.  ❤❤  So happy, welcoming and just joyful to be a part of their kids’ union.  Also, it is clear where the good looks from the families comes from 😉.

Downtown Denver Wedding

If you are thinking of having a small and intimate wedding in Denver, you should look into the Denver Clock Tower.  It is such a unique and beautiful setting.  How can you go wrong with a gorgeous clock in the background of your portraits?

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Denver Clock Tower Wedding Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Downtown Denver Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding

Are you kidding me Jayden??

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Apparently Jayden is ALWAYS sitting on Matt’s lap.  So naturally we had to capture that.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding Denver Clock Tower

They were just so at peace and joyful about their day.  I never saw either of them stressed or annoyed.  It made for such a beautiful day.

Downtown Denver Wedding

In their case I think only have 30 days to plan made things simpler.  They weren’t stressed about every detail because the only important detail was them pledging their lives to each other in front of their families.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Apparently Jayden was super chill about everything (so refreshing).  She simply told the florist that she wanted green and white and whatever was in season.  The florist nailed it because not only were these flowers GORGEOUS but they smelled amazing.  I could even smell them through my mask.

Denver Wedding

They choose to keep the wedding with just family with the exception of Jayden’s two childhood best friends.  So fun to see these ladies support and love each other.

Downtown Denver Wedding

The only downside to the clock tower (if you can call it a downside) is that there are SO MANY STAIRS.  However, it makes for some amazing photos.

Downtown Denver Wedding Denver Clock Tower Wedding

We even did family pictures in front of the clock.  You really can’t go wrong with that.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Let’s go get married.  This is one of my favorite images.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

The ceremony was so heartfelt and touching.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding Denver Clock Tower Wedding Denver Clock Tower Wedding

There was barely a dry eye in the room.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding Denver Clock Tower Wedding  Denver Clock Tower Wedding

They were only able to have about 25 guests because of COVID restrictions (and honestly not many more fit in the ceremony space).  So they did a live stream of the wedding.  Later I heard that the online guests even dressed up in their fancy best!!  Isn’t that adorable?  Thank goodness for modern technology.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Short, sweet and from the heart.

Denver Clock Tower Events Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

My favorite images from the ceremony are usually the ones right after they are pronounced husband and wife.  Such joy (and relief) on their faces.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Once they were around the corner and out of sight, this is what happened.

Downtown Denver Wedding

Officially husband and wife (once the marriage license was signed).

Downtown Denver Wedding

Party time.

Downtown Denver Wedding

The 20th floor also has a beautiful (tiny) balcony.  So naturally we had to do a few quick sunset photos.

Downtown Denver Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding Downtown Denver Wedding

Mom and dad even got in on the action.  28 years and going strong!

Downtown Denver Wedding

The ceremony area was magically transformed into a beautiful and intimate dinner reception.  Again, one of my favorite receptions.  It was just close family and had the atmosphere of a family dinner or rehearsal dinner.

Denver Clock Tower Events

Once dinner was over, it was time for some heartwarming toasts.  I should have brought some tissues because I was crying my eyes out.

Denver Wedding Photographer Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Matt’s twin brother was unable to come to the wedding so he sent a special video for them to watch.

Denver Wedding Photographer Denver Clock Tower Wedding

Again, in true Jayden fashion, she just told the caterer to make a simple white cake with some flowers on it.  Nailed it!

Denver Wedding Photographer

Can you tell how special this night was?

Denver Wedding Photographer

Again, not a dry eye in the house during the father-daughter dance.

Denver Wedding Photographer

And let’s not forget the mother-son dance.  These always get me as I will (hopefully) be the mother the groom someday.

Denver Wedding Photographer

Thank you for letting me be a part of your family for the night.

Denver Wedding Photographer

Congratulations Matt and Jayden!  I wish you a lifetime of happiness.

Denver Clock Tower Wedding


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  1. […] Want to another happy couple? Check out Jayden and Matt’s Wedding. […]

  2. […] to see more events I have captured? Check out this wedding or the Head shot […]

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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