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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help businesses, like yours, create a brand that fits like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy & branding photography to website design, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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I am here to empower business owners to create an irresistible brand that aligns with their purpose and value so they can confidently make an impact on the world. 


Cap and Gown- Denver Mini Sessions

Cap and Gown Pictures

The senior class of 2020 had it hard.  They got hit with something no one saw coming and they were stripped of the end of the best year of high school.  Some kids didn’t even get to walk across the stage for graduation and for those that did get to participate it was VERY different!  I knew I wanted to do something to make this season special for them.

Cap and Gown Pictures

At the end of April most seniors didn’t even have their cap and gown yet and no one knew what would happen with graduations.  Thankfully, my husband’s best friend from childhood is one of the Denver area’s Jostens rep.  Nils hooked me up with caps, gowns and tassels from every possible Denver area school.  Thanks Nils!

Cap and Gown Pictures

I opened up my garage and set up a black backdrop and made a signup list.  Kids from 15+ different schools signed up to have their picture taken with a cap and gown.

Cap and Gown Pictures

But it wasn’t just the high school seniors.  I worked with kids from Kindergarten through College and it was such a joy!

Cap and Gown Pictures Cap and Gown Pictures

This little guy was SO cute.  I just loved his little hopeful face and the future he has ahead of him.

Cap and Gown Pictures

The world was JUST starting to open up again and I was grateful to do something for these kids who had missed out on so much.

Cap and Gown Pictures

The only thing harder than having one kid miss out on their senior year….having twins (scroll down to the end to see some behind the scenes of these shots).

Cap and Gown Pictures Cap and Gown Pictures

Next year I will have a senior so this mother/daughter picture turned out to be one of my favorites and really pulled at my heartstrings.  In some ways I think it was harder for the moms and dads than the kids.  The kids didn’t really know what they were missing but the parents were heartbroken to not be able to honor and celebrate their kids.

Cap and Gown Pictures

These masked pictures tell such an amazing story.  They are going to be able to show their kids these pictures and talk about how the world shut down when they were seniors.

Cap and Gown Pictures Cap and Gown Pictures

These mini sessions were my favorite.  I had two days worth of kids lined up in my driveway and they are some of my all-time favorite images.  Probably because these images are so powerful and tell such an interesting story.

Cap and Gown Pictures

Side note: Can we just talk about how beautiful the lighting was in my garage.  Perhaps I need to shoot in there more often.  😂

Cap and Gown Pictures Cap and Gown Pictures

Cap and Gown Pictures

It was a huge success!  So much so, that I want to do it AGAIN!  This year I am offering Cap and Gown Mini Sessions on Saturday, May 8th.  Here is the link if you would like to sign up.  It is $50 and you get at least 3-5 images.

Cap and Gown Pictures

The class of 2021 had it even harder than 2020 as they have missed out on their entire senior year (not just the last few weeks of it).  Grab your senior, and a few of their friends, and give them some images to show their kids what their senior year was like.

Cap and Gown Pictures Cap and Gown Pictures

It would make a great gift for any senior.  Sign up here!

Cap and Gown Pictures

Here are a few fun, behind the scenes photos. We were finishing our basement so no judgement on the messiness of my garage!

Want to see more, unusual senior pictures?  Check out this session from the Sand Dunes!

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  1. […] to see more examples of cap and gown sessions?  Check out this blog for the ones I did in […]

  2. […] 2020, I was forced to get creative and did cap and gown sessions. I loved it (and so did you guys) so I offered a few this year as well. I love seeing these kids in […]

  3. […] Want to see more cap and gown pictures? Check out this blog! […]

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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