
Makenna S // Littleton Senior Pictures

July 16, 2021

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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Are you ready to see the cutest Littleton Senior Pictures?

Littleton Senior Pictures Makenna is on my 2022 Senior Rep Team and it has been a huge joy to get to know her and hang out with her!

Littleton Senior Pictures

Anytime I can convince a senior to get into the river it is considered a win! Pair the river with this adorable dress and this is easily one of my favorite photos of the class of 2022 so far!

Littleton Senior Pictures

Even though it was REALLY chilly, Makenna was a great sport. Totally worth it in the end when you get images like this.

Littleton Senior Pictures

Makenna always has a smile on her face and makes everyone laugh and feel comfortable. That is such a gift!

Littleton Senior Pictures

She is also ALWAYS up for whatever! When I suggested sunglasses with 2022 might be a fun addition so was ON IT and took care of all of the details.

Littleton Senior Pictures

I couldn’t be happier with how these turned out. I think I might have everyone bring sunglasses with their graduation year every year. They make for great advertising photos and just overall fun images.

Littleton Senior Pictures

One of the benefits of being on my Rep Team is that you get to do multiple shoots throughout the year and we really get to know each other. Hanging out with these kids helps me take better images of them because I can really capture the REAL them.

Littleton Senior Pictures

Want to see some pictures from our Rep Team pictures? Twist my arm!!

Littleton Senior Pictures

See….I told you she was fun!

Littleton Senior Pictures

I have really tried this year to be creative and think outside of the box on senior sessions. It was fun to challenge myself to add a little more color! These purple flowers were so pretty but there were only a few of them. So I grabbed one so I could use it in the foreground and add more color and fill the frame. It is like magic!

Littleton Senior Pictures

We had so much fun creating the purple flower pictures that we tried it again with the beautiful white tree. I love how photography can be so magical. Just hold a white flower at the corner of your camera and it adds a beautiful white texture to the corner of the image.

Littleton Senior Pictures

As soon as Makenna changed into this outfit I was smitten. It is so cute! She really did an amazing job of choosing her outfits. Notice how they all have good layers, textures and color?

Littleton Senior Pictures

Littleton Senior Pictures

I think all the years of dance photos helped as well. She is such a natural in front of the camera and just knew how to pose!

Littleton Senior Pictures

She has the greatest sparkle to her eye!

Littleton Senior Pictures

Littleton Seniors are the best and Columbine kids have a special place in my heart as my nieces go there (and my niece happens to be best buddies with Makenna so it really is a win/win).

Littleton Senior Pictures

Makenna is the captain of the poms so naturally we had to get her all dolled up in her uniform. Isn’t she so cute?!

Littleton Senior Pictures

Makenna, I am so glad you are on my rep team and that we get to hang out all year. You are a ray of sunshine and it is a joy to be with you and to take photos of you!

Littleton Senior Pictures

Want to see more Littleton Senior Pictures? Check out Delaney, Jackie or Ashlynn.

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  1. […] Want to see more Littleton Senior Pictures of my LiLo Rep Team? Check out Delaney or Makenna. […]

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

There is nothing better than fresh images and knowing your brand inside and out to help you start showing up with consistency and confidence. Need to create social media posts? No problem! Updating your website? Easy!  I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

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