Must have brand photos for your biz
3 branding mistakes to avoid
How to update your brand in 10 minutes
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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help businesses, like yours, create a brand that fits like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy & branding photography to website design, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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I am here to empower business owners to create an irresistible brand that aligns with their purpose and value so they can confidently make an impact on the world. 


Top 5 Ways to Invest In Your Brand

Two men in blue button down shirts leaning on an outdoor patio door smiling at a Denver branding photographer and branding consultant.

It is that time of year when business owners are looking for ways to invest in their brand. Whether it is because you need a few more tax write offs for the end of the year or if this is your slow season and you finally have a little bit of extra bandwidth to think about your brand, here are the top 5 ways to invest in your brand.

Invest In Brand Graphics

If your brand is feeling stale, you might need to hire a graphic designer or brand coach to help you dial in your logo, colors and visual aesthetic. This might just be a little refresh or could be a complete overhaul. Not sure which one you need? Check out this blog!

A picture of a lambourghini branded with a company logo for their branding shoot as advised by their branding consultant and captured by Denver Branding Photographer.
Two men posing with a blue Lamborghini with the letters ST on the door as captured by a Denver branding photographer and branding coach.

Invest In Brand Photography

Hiring a photographer who specializes in brand photography is a game changer. This isn’t just hiring a friend or your family photographer to take a quick headshot. It is a strategic session to tell the visual story of your brand. If you are looking for a brand photographer, click here.

Invest In Your Website

Your website is the homebase for your business and your brand. You only have SECONDS to make an impression and gain or lose a customer. If your website is lacking, you might want to invest in a website designer or new template. I use Showit and love being able to customize my website quickly and easily. If you want to try Showit, use my discount code.

Invest in Branded Merchandise

Who doesn’t love swag? You might want to invest in new business cards, shirts for your team or a fun giveaway for your customers. Having branded merchandise can bring awareness to your brand and create community in your business and with your customers.

Invest In Help

This might be a social media manager, a brand coach or an influencer to promote your product. We can’t do it all alone (and do it well), so it might be time to hire a freelancer, influencer or coach to get you to the next level. If you don’t know where to start, click here to see how I can help you with your brand.

Top 5 Ways to Invest In Your Brand

So, there you have it, brand warriors! From spicing up your visuals to rocking branded merch, now you have the secret sauce of how you can invest in your brand. Now go, level up those graphics, hire a photographer that makes you look good, deck out in your killer merch, grab some expert help, and make that website pop! It is time to give your brand journey a serious upgrade. Ready, set, go use these Top 5 Ways to Invest In Your Brand to bring your brand to the next level! If you are ready to level up and you need a little bit of help, click here to see how I can help you!

A man with striking blue eyes sits just outside of a blue Lamborghini as captured by a Denver branding photographer and brand consultant.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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