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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

I help businesses, like yours, create a brand that fits like a comfy pair of jeans (and I make your butt look good). From branding strategy & branding photography to website design, I help you create an irresistible brand that will attract your dream customers. Think of me as your biggest cheerleader and brand believer.

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I am here to empower business owners to create an irresistible brand that aligns with their purpose and value so they can confidently make an impact on the world. 

Brand Strategy

How To Use AI For Branding


Artificial Intelligence is taking the online world to the next level, and as a brand consultant, I often think of how this technology will change my approach to branding. Obviously, we don’t want to fully rely on AI for your business brand. It can eliminate the personal touches and potentially lessens strong connections with individuals. However, there are ways to utilize AI for branding that won’t sacrifice your individuality.

Mission Statement

If you have been following along for a while, you know how I feel about a mission statement. It is the heart of your brand! Reflecting the values and visions you have for your business, connecting you to your dream clients. And as your business grows and develops, you may need a bit of a refresh. Or maybe you just simply refine your mission statement. Either way, you can ask AI to help with your mission statement and give you new ideas for how to refresh or refine. Just input your old mission statement and a little bit about your business and ask for some ideas to refresh it to make it more clear, more pointed to your ideal customer or more about your current business. It is a great way to get new wording and new ideas on how to update your mission statement.

Content Plan

This may be your new favorite way to use AI for branding. Ask AI to help you give you ideas for a content plan what to create for social media content. You have to be careful with this one! Make sure that you aren’t just asking AI to write all of your social media content and just cutting and pasting it into your feed. You have to make it your own, personalize it, use your unique voice. But it is a great way to come up with content when you are stuck and struggling. Use it as a springboard to help you show up consistently.

Color Palette

Let’s be honest. Not everyone is creative and knows what looks good together. So many people that I work with in branding struggle with nailing their colors and visuals. AI can help you VISUALIZE and see what looks good together. Because sometimes we can’t come up with it on our own, but we know a good color palette when we see one! With AI you can add your favorite brand colors, as well as your business’s services and vibes, and ask for suggestions on how to complete the palette. You will be surprised with just how good AI can be with colors!

Get To Know Your Audience

The cool thing about AI is that it takes all the information on the web to answer your questions. That is a lot of data! Take advantage of this by using AI to help you define and refine your audience. Ask AI to tell you some possible pain points for your ideal customers or clients. Use this information in your content and the language you use in your marketing. You have to know your ideal client, but when you do…it is easy to input that information and ask AI to give you more information and detail that you might not have thought of.

Organize Your Brand

Organize all of your brand assets into one place with AI. Ask it to make you a brand persona or brand guide using the 5 V’s of branding that I teach. When you know your brand, you can use the power of AI to refine, organize and expand the ideas you already know! Having a document to refer to that has all of your brand information is SO POWERFUL! When you get stuck, are creating a new program, need content, and have to share ideas with others, you can easily refer to your brand document to give you direction and guidance so you aren’t constantly reinventing the wheel.

AI for branding can help you to be more efficient as a business owner. As well as collect data and ideas, helping you refine your brand so you can show up in more places! What do you think? Will you be using AI?

Need to define your brand so you can start harnessing the power of AI? Let’s connect for a free brand consultation call.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), the Brand Believer!

I started my photography business 13+ years ago because I needed an extra $500 a month for my family and I didn't even own a camera. Now I am a commercial photographer, podcast host, passionate business cheerleader, brand expert, former teacher, and faith-driven entrepreneur.

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