
Learn How to Use your Camera | Photography Education

May 10, 2023

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I'm Lisa (aka lilo)!

Your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer. As a 13+ year business veteran, I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing.

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Do you already own a “nice camera” but secretly feel intimidated by it? Graduation and vacation season are around the corner. It is warm and there’s more daylight, so there’s a lot of memories to capture! And yet, your nice will camera spend another summer in the back of your closet. Maybe it’s time to look into photography education and finally learning to use your camera.

If you’ve tried to use a professional camera before but ended up having more success with your iPhone, you may feel like photography is a hobby you should give up on. But what if you could get the photography education that you’re looking for? Would it be worth it? 

Why Take Time for Camera and Photography Education

There are a ton of types of photography you’ll enjoy once you learn the mechanics of your camera. From taking pictures of your kids, to capturing that beautiful sunset on the beach, there are so many reasons to learn how to use your camera…

Your Camera as an Art or Hobby

A solid photography education has many amazing uses. First, photography is a great way to express yourself. There are a lot of artistic photography styles, and people get a lot of joy using their camera for fun! Nature, animal, or fashion photography can be a great outlet for creative juices. We all need hobbies to keep our minds engaged and excited!

Your Camera as a Business Opportunity

Another reason to take a photography class? To make some moolah! Commercial photography is growing in popularity and can be a strong income source. Family photography and wedding photography will ALWAYS be a hot market. You would be surprised how many opportunities there are for you to make a buck with photos! 

Learn to Use a Camera in Photography 101

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of buttons on a camera, my Photography 101 class is the perfect place for you! In this class, we’ll talk about the mechanics of a professional camera, including the tricky skill of balancing ISO and aperture. We’ll increase your photography vocabulary (and you’ll finally understand what a shutter speed is)!  

We’ll also touch on important mechanical topics, like photography purchases that are ACTUALLY worth your money, or the pros and cons of different file formats for your digital uploads. There’s so many topics packed in there, you’re sure to finish feeling confident with any camera in your hands! 

Can You Really Do It?

I get it! You pull out your camera and turn it on and immediately get frustrated and put it right back down again. Learning photography can feel overwhelming, but I assure you that the most important part is just committing to learn the basic skills of your camera! Once you know the right terms and how the pieces of your camera work together, you will be on your way to create the images of your dreams.

Guys, I wasn’t always a Denver commercial photographer. I actually spent a few years as a teacher, and more as a mom. But through a lot of trial and error, education, hard work and dedication, I have mastered my camera setting and turned photography into my livelihood and passion. That’s how I know that you can too! 

Photography Education For Beginners

Seriously, photography education is one of the best investments in yourself you can make in this digital age! I’ll be here to show you the ropes and help you grow to success. Sign up today for my Photography 101 course and start your path to camera confidence! Or…if you already have a good grasp on your camera basics and want to level up even more, you might want to try Photography 201 where we talk about lighting, location and composition.

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I'm Lisa (aka LiLo), your new favorite branding strategist and brand photographer.

It's frustrating and defeating when you can't seem to create content that engages your audience. It can cause imposter syndrome and leaves you feeling like you are constantly on the hamster wheel making zero progress. I am here to help you create a vision, teach you to use your voice, help you craft eye-catching visuals and walk you through how to show up confidently and consistently in your marketing without feeling overwhelmed. Which means you will have more time and will be making more money without second guessing yourself! I can't wait to help you unlock the power of your brand.

Meet LiLo

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"Lisa's talents in the area of social media marketing were so helpful in getting my business up and running."
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