One location? No problem! It’s great to have a variety of backdrops, don’t get me wrong, but getting a variety of amazing shots at one location really helps the shoot be more efficient for the client! You can create amazingness from just one location. Don’t believe me? Here are a few ideas for getting the most out of every spot from my vault of Denver Commercial Photographer tips! It is all about posing!
Perspective Shift
Standing poses are the go-to for most photographers for each location. Most commercial photographers have a few different poses for a standing client, but they can get stale if you don’t give them some variety. If we’re looking to push that creativity, I would recommend trying to diversify your distance!
If you back up from your client, you can include a lot of wide-angle portrait shots that will make the location feel a lot bigger or more colorful than a traditional headshot. Or, if you normally keep it big, try moving in closer. Trust me, this Denver commercial photographer tip really works! Changing your lens, distance or angle will really keep it fresh.
Denver Commercial Photographer Tips For Sitting Poses
After standing photos, move to sitting! There are so many options for sitting poses. If we start on the ground, we can rest arms on knees for a close-cropped photo, or we can turn those legs to the side and get a wider shot. If we’ve got a stool, or if you can find a bench or rock to sit on, we’ve doubled the collection again.
But in some, especially outdoor locations, sitting is not an option. What then?
Leaning and Corners
Finally, freshen up the location by leaning! (Can anybody say “lean” without thinking about “While You Were Sleeping”?) Yes, lean! Leaning will give new angles to your space, since you’ll be shooting from the side. This can work especially well with corners, since you’ll get a totally different backdrop, even if you’re in the same three feet of space.
Again, play around with arms and space from the wall or corner. If the client’s back is against the wall, it’s going to create a totally different look from having them brace an extended arm, standing away from the wall.
Denver Commercial Photographer Tips
When you’ve exhausted standing, sitting, and leaning, it’s probably time for a new location—but you’ll find you’ve already got 100 diverse photographs in your camera roll! If you want to get the MOST out of every minute of your Denver photo session, let’s chat!! I’m ready to get started!
Or, looking for more photography tips from a Denver commercial photographer? Click here for another great set of ideas…or start my Photography 101 course here.
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